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How to Fight Gingivitis

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Fight Gingivitis in 3 Easy Steps

fighting gingivitisEverybody loves the feel of a clean mouth; smooth teeth, fresh taste and a confident smile!  If you have gingivitis, and many people do, then you have experienced the opposite; filmy teeth, bad taste and a tight-lipped smile.  You can’t risk someone seeing inside your mouth to your swollen, red gums!  You don’t need to be embarrassed of your beautiful smile.  Now is the time to fight gingivitis and take charge of your oral health!

The only good thing about finding out that you have gingivitis is knowing that you can fight it!  We can help you figure out how.

Consult a Dentist.

The culprit responsible for gingivitis is plaque, and this can only be removed by a dental professional.  They have the appropriate tools and the necessary expertise to remove the build-up and measure the severity of your gum disease.  Regular visits to your dentist will be a great tool for avoiding and fighting plaque accumulation.  Together, you and your dentist can tailor a routine to best fit your personal needs.  Most of the time, modifying your oral hygiene habits is all that is required.

Floss and Brush Your Teeth!

If you want to fight gingivitis and win, it isn’t enough to simply brush the surfaces of your teeth.  Food and bacteria easily find their way between the teeth, where they can wreak havoc, two teeth at a time!  Simply flossing before you brush is the most effective way to protect these in-between surfaces.

Of course you already brush your teeth, but are you doing the right way?  Brushing is most effective when done twice a day with toothpaste containing fluoride.  This essential ingredient helps to strengthen teeth and detour plaque and acid from attacking.

Use Antiseptic Mouthwash.

Choosing (and using!) an antiseptic mouthwash is a very effective way to fight plaque, which causes gingivitis.  This type of mouthwash is great at killing bacteria that adheres to the teeth as plaque.  You can also swish it between your teeth, killing bacteria lurking where a toothbrush can’t reach.  This swishing can also help dislodge food particles in the mouth and is a vital element of your overall oral health.

If you have gingivitis, then welcome to the club!  But don’t be a passive victim; you can get your mouth truly clean and send that gingivitis packing.  With routine dental check-ups, correct brushing and flossing, and the use of antiseptic mouthwash you can free yourself of the discomfort and embarrassment of gum disease.  Just count to 3 and breathe a deep, clean sigh of relief.

 Image Source: Flickr