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Preventing Cavities During Halloween Time

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Here are 3 tips to help prevent cavities this Halloween.

Halloween is a great time splurge on some candy, but it’s definitely not a great time for our teeth. Sugar can definitely take a negative toll on our teeth and can cause cavity galore.

So before Halloween is among us, take note of these 3 simple tips to prevent cavities while still enjoying the spooky holiday:

  1. Brush. Brush. Floss. Brushing and flossing right after indulging some candy will wash away any candy left behind, therefore, preventing cavities.

  2. Create a Candy Plan. Deciding way before Halloween to only eat one or two pieces a day will limit the candy/sugar consumption.

  3. Avoid the Sticky and Hard Stuff. Sticky and hard candy is absolutely the worst when it comes to your teeth. Both these types of candy tend to last longer in the mouth which wears out enamel and then causes cavities. Avoiding these will be your best bet of a cavity-free smile.

BONUS TIP: Schedule a dentist appointment right after Halloween to get a deeper cleaning from all the candy consumption!

Obviously brushing, flossing, creating a candy plan, and avoiding sticky and hard candies won’t guarantee cavity prevention, however, doing these three things will most definitely give you a better chance of prevention. The most important thing you can do, however, is scheduling an appointment with us and we’ll make sure your teeth are all cavity-free.