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Smile Recovery

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The Post-Holiday Cleanup

post holiday smile recoveryPutting away the Christmas stockings signifies the end of the holiday season.  We throw away (or eat) the last of the candy canes and reflect on the most wonderful time of the year.  Memories of hot chocolate and pumpkin pie cause us to take inventory of our poor teeth.  How do we make it up to them after all they have been through?  Don’t panic; the damage is not irreversible.  The same practices that kept your teeth clean before the holidays are just as effective after them.

The Tried and True Emergency Kit of Smile Recovery Includes:


It is a terrible feeling when something gets lodged between your teeth.  Even when you don’t feel it, small food particles can get between your teeth and the sugars from what you eat can be carried between teeth by saliva.  This can harden and cause gum inflammation and decay between your teeth.  Be sure to floss at least once daily.


This sounds like a no-brainer, but are you brushing correctly?  Not only is it enough to brush your teeth once a day, it is also imperative that you brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush held at a 45 degree angle.  Brush for at least 2 minutes to ensure that each tooth is thoroughly cleaned.

Eating Healthy Food

Remember this?  Food that is not laden with plaque-promoting sugar?  Yeah, it is still there and it’s vital to your smile recovery.  Eating healthy food can not only omit sugars from your mouth, it can even help clean your teeth.  Fruits and vegetables can aid in removing plaque that has formed on the teeth.  Dairy provides enamel-strengthening calcium and certain vitamins absorbed from healthy foods can even help fight gum-infecting bacteria.  And if one of your New Year’s resolutions is to quit smoking, that is also going to do wonders for your teeth.

Don’t let the holiday haze linger in your mouth.  Creating, or recreating, these habits will help restore your healthy smile.  And if you are still feeling like you need extra help, your dentist can take care of the rest.